The Top 10 Free Content Analytics Tools


So you’re consistently pumping out engaging content and have a solid distribution strategy in motion. Now you need to know how that content is performing, who’s visiting your website, and how you can hook your audience so they’ll return. And here’s the kicker: You don’t want to use up half your budget for such a service.

8 TED Talks That Are So Great You'll Actually Want to Listen to Them on Your Day Off


Yeah, yeah, I know you don’t want to work while you’re trying to enjoy the last bits of summer. But who says listening to TED Talks are really working? You can pull them up on your phone, you can press play while simultaneously soaking up some rays, and you can even watch them with friends.

Sure, they’re educational, but they’re always almost a lot of fun to listen to. Plus, they come in one neat 20-minute segment.

How to Use Snapchat Memories to Improve Your Marketing


Ever want to share pictures from your camera roll on Snapchat? Interested in resharing your best snaps? Snapchat now lets you publish multiple snaps and pictures from your camera roll in a single story-like Memory. In this article, you’ll discover how to use Snapchat Memories to publish more content on Snapchat.

As Attention Spans Dwindle, How Does a Museum Capture New Audiences?


With the click of a button we now have access to a global museum, otherwise known as the internet, with its infinite collection of online images, texts, films, sound files, and even printable 3D objects. With 3.2 billion visitors each year and 2 billion of these from developing countries, the global museum has the most accessible collection, and the most diverse audience, in the world. Within this space, we can curate our own exhibitions, skimming through thousands of files, surfing an endless wave of data. The global museum is limitless—however, the human attention span is not.

How to Be Creative When You're Not Naturally Creative


"Everything’s already been thought of." "I don't even know where to start." "I’m just not a creative person." We've all had those frustrating moments -- when when we're expected to come up with a brilliant new idea, but no matter how much we squint at our computer screens, we just can't seem to think of anything good. That's when we look over at our peers who are "creative types" and wonder why we didn't inherit any of those creative genes ourselves.

So You Want to Launch a New Institutional Website? Read this first!


A website is your most prominent marketing channel and is likely to be the first place a new patron will learn about your organization. For most organizations, more than half of ticket sales come from their website. And most organizations feel like they don’t have adequate budgets for their websites.

11 Phrases Smart People Say to Themselves Every Day (in Their Heads, of Course)


Every success is based on action, but every action starts with a thought. That’s why every worthwhile accomplishment starts with a change in perspective, or a new connection, or a renewed sense of purpose and motivation.

5 Tips for Creating Shareable LinkedIn Posts


Publishing a post on LinkedIn is easy. Effectively putting money behind it can be hard. According to the Content Marketing Institute’s report “2016 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends—North America,” 94 percent of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content. But only 51 percent pay to promote their posts on social platforms. And of those who do, only 45 percent say those ads are effective.

Every One Unique – How Penguin Blended Coding and Design to Revisit Richard Dawkins’ Classic Texts


Over the last few years, the Penguin Press art department has garnered a reputation not just for its book design but also for showing how printed objects can live online. Its latest project, the reissue of three books by the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, does just that – and it has proven to be one of its most challenging to date.

The digital age of data art


Many artists use as material for art the raw data produced by our societies, seeking innovative means of display or transforming it into a work of art. By blurring boundaries between art and information, data art dispels the myth of the romantic artist while offering a fundamental artistic act in a critical commentary of the digital age in which we live.

"Pokémon Go" May Prove That AR Is More Mainstream Than VR


With all the hype about virtual reality systems like the Oculus Rift, Gear VR, Vive, and PlayStation VR over the last year, it’s been tempting to think that the technology represents the immediate future of entertainment—although analysts expect the augmented reality market will be three times larger than virtual reality.

Data, Data, Data: How Do You Design It?


You are probably swimming in a sea of data. Analytics, reports, metrics and data-based facts are the new norm, and people can’t seem to get enough. But how do you design with data? How do you take something that can be complex, requiring explanation, and break it down into something smaller and digestible without ruining the meaning of the information? It can be a tough task. Today, we’re going to look at different approaches to designing with data and hopefully provide some usable tips!

How Does Crowdfunding Change the Picture for Artists?


The arts community has been well versed in a gig economy for many years is evidence that gigging may not be the deepest innovation here. The novelty is the platform (or marketplace that enables new kinds of gigs), which has enabled a fundamental restructuring of markets and the organizations of production and consumption.

5 Ways to Make Your Nonprofit’s Online Presence Ready to be Shared Socially


Your nonprofit organization is likely interacting with your constituents and supporters in a number of different ways. Whether you’re posting regular updates on Facebook or asking for donations with emails, your organization should have a communication strategy in place for engaging with all types of donors, volunteers, and advocates. But is your existing content optimized for social sharing? Are your followers and other individuals spreading your nonprofit’s message on your behalf?

6 Proven Strategies for Successfully Promoting Content Across Social Media


Social media managers and marketers know that sometimes even the most epic material requires love and hard work when it comes to promoting content across social media. But with the right combination of strategy, effort, and luck you really can get your amazing content to succeed on social media.

Ask a Content Guy: What Content Metrics Really Matter?


This month, we’re going to tackle a terrifying issue that we received tons of questions about: content marketing analytics and ROI. Right now, there’s a temptation in content marketing to divide metrics into two camps: useless and magical. But when it comes to content analytics, there are no absolutes.

Shantell Martin: A Creative’s Guide to Changing Gears


In a world of five-year goals and quarter-by-quarter forecasts, Shantell Martin (Behance profile) just wings it. Martin never “plans” her work in the traditional sense. Check that, she never plans anything in the traditional sense. Her art appears as one big doodle, a continuous black and white line drawing with recurring characters that sometimes leap off the walls and onto Martin’s clothing — like the sneakers she wore when we spoke.

The Dangerous Power of Emotional Advertising


According to Dan Hill in Emotionomics: Leveraging Emotions for Business Success, “Emotions process sensory input in only one-fifth the time our conscious, cognitive brain takes to assimilate that same input.” Emotions, rather than cognitive thinking, have a more profound impact on our actions; create lasting, instinctual impressions; and actually predispose us to follow the same course of action in the future.

Why We Can’t Achieve Cultural Equity By Copying Those In Power


The memory is as clear as cellophane. I sat in a sterile windowless classroom listening to much older professors that don’t look like me lecture on business strategies, market segmentation and innovation using slideshow presentations full of dated animated clipart and colorful charts and graphs. Their monotone voices overflowed with confidence in their pedagogy and its ability to save their students from the perils of mediocrity and low profit margins.

Taking Note: Audience Engagement


Have you ever been in the audience of a performance of the Brahms Requiem and felt the stillness of the listeners around you? Have you ever attended a children's theater production and witnessed laughs-out-loud or applause in unexpected places? If you think about these moments through the eyes of a researcher, a number of questions emerge. Who are the people attending this event? Why are they here? What were they expecting? What, if anything, did they do to prepare themselves to experience the art? What are their thoughts as they listen and watch a performance?

Facebook Live Is the Company’s Newest Strategic Weapon


The rise of social media means that artists are expected to be in the spotlight and interacting with their fans 24/7. While this is all well and good for the attention lovers, such a prospect is decidedly unappealing for the more introverted musician. Here, we offer some sound advice for the attention shy on how to navigate social media's choppy waters.

In the Craziest of Election Years, One Artist Formed a Super PAC to Fund Art


It has been a bewildering election cycle, for sure. And while American politics have surely become a sideshow before, the 2016 presidential race is firmly in the running to be the most surreal political spectacle in memory. Artist Hank Willis Thomas didn’t want to miss out on the absurdity.


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