Facebook’s Snapchat Envy Shows In Its New Stories And Camera

Like Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger before it, Facebook is co-opting Snap’s bright ideas and trying to make them its own

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


For years now, Mark Zuckerberg has been confidently predicting that within half a decade, video will become the dominant form of content that folks share on Facebook. That expectation has led to features such as Facebook Live video streaming. But when it comes to encouraging people to share, the app’s primary call to action–the question “What’s on your mind?” and a text field–has continued to emphasize words over visuals.

A Performance in Queens Got Right What That Pepsi Ad Got Wrong

A performance in Queens, drew a very different audience and packed a punch to the gut, rather than the wallet.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


A performance in Queens, drew a very different audience—the parents, friends, and children of some 350 members of the community that took the stage—and packed a punch to the gut, rather than the wallet.


The Amazing Winners of the Smithsonian’s 14th Annual Photo Contest

The Smithsonian has just announced the winners of the 14th Annual Photo Contest

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


The Smithsonian has just announced the winners of the 14th Annual Photo Contest. This year, they received more than 48,000 submissions from photographers in 146 countries and territories.

How She Built a $50 Million Postcard Empire

Direct mail never died. It just needed an upgrade.

Friday, April 14, 2017


Even some of the smartest moguls alive take for granted a truth that is just plain wrong: Direct mail is dead. No, we’re not making this up: Sending physical mail to prospects and customers can actually work — and pay off big-time.



Isamu Noguchi’s Voluntary Stay in a Japanese-American Incarceration Camp

The modernist sculptor voluntarily entered one of the many incarceration camps for Japanese Americans and it was an experience that deeply impacted him.

Friday, March 17, 2017


His ideas, at the start, were limitless and detailed. Noguchi wanted to organize lectures on Japanese art as well as arts and crafts activities, figuring that such vocational training could prove helpful after the war.

The Best Time to Make a Sales Call in 2017

The “best time to make cold calls” doesn’t exist.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Most salespeople are eager to know the best time to cold call their prospects. It’s an enticing idea: Rather than waiting for a compelling event, researching the buyer, and crafting a personalized message, the rep simply needs to know the best day for cold calling, as well as the best time of day.

Museums Are The Biggest Job Creator You’ve Never Heard Of

OK museums, it’s time to talk money.

Friday, March 17, 2017


Government funding to museums is being cut in many countries. It’s often seen as a ‘soft’ money-saving option, more palatable and re-election safe than cutting hospital staff or free school meals. Even as a museophile, I can’t deny that museums seem less essential than hospitals, schools, or roads.

One Ring to Convert Them All: Using Topical Events to Turn New Prospects into Single Ticket Buyers

Getting the right message to the right people at the right time. But what does that actually look like in practice?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Did you know the average human attention span is 8.25 seconds? That’s less than a goldfish. Let that sink in for just a minute.

Luxury Brands: 4 Secrets To Marketing In The Digital Age

Today’s consumer is simultaneously a curator and a virtual artist.

Friday, March 17, 2017


As head of a digital marketing agency that works with high-end luxury brands, here are some of the key lessons I’ve learned and the four rules you can apply to grow your own brand.


49 Creative Geniuses Who Use Blogging to Promote Their Art

Regardless of your passion, you’ll find someone in Leanne’s list you can use to inspire your own success.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


You know you don’t want to be spammy, but have no idea how to use a blog to sell those musical compositions, show tickets, short horror stories, family paintings with Fido, or handmade grandfather clocks.

How to Run LinkedIn Ad Campaigns: A Beginner's Guide

LinkedIn is a highly valuable tool to network with like-minded professionals.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


LinkedIn is a highly valuable tool to network with like-minded professionals. But here's something we don't talk about as much as we should -- it's also a highly useful marketing platform.

Cultural Institutions and Organizations Condemn Trump’s Travel Ban

Following President Trump’s executive order limiting travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, cultural groups and organizations have issued statements against the ban.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


This is a brief list of some cultural institutions that have issued statements in response to the travel ban.

These Photos Capture The Beauty And Grace Of The World’s First Muslim Hijabi Ballerina


image of KurlowStephanie Kurlow struggled to find a ballet class that would allow her to wear her traditional hijab while studying her craft. Kurlow refused to give up and started a crowdfunding campaign raising over $7,000 with nearly 700 people making donations, which allowed her to obtain private tutoring to become the world's first Muslim hijabi ballerina.

The 15 Types of People You’ll Meet at a Conference


With so many benefits of attending and goals to focus on during a conference, choosing just one can be a tall order. And with INBOUND 2016 around the corner, you might be asking yourself: Should you network, and make connections with smart people? Or should you stick to learning, and diligently take notes during the breakout sessions?

36 Useful Apps and Online Tools for Nonprofits


The number of low-cost or free apps and online tools available to nonprofits today is astounding. Provided you set aside the time to explore and experiment, your nonprofit can use the apps and tools listed below to significantly improve your web, email, social media, and visual content.

7 Ways Technology Can Make You a Smarter Content Marketer


Marketers have high expectations of technology’s effect. We recently surveyed 300 marketers and at least two-thirds said it’s likely or very likely that technology will make content marketing significantly more efficient in the various tasks of the life cycle.

Why Nonprofits Should Start Inbound Now


Internal HubSpot research has found that companies that blog at least 15 times each month see 5 times more traffic than those that don't. Some MIT smarties studied HubSpot's ROI specifically and found that users generated 4.1 times more visitors and 3 times as many leads per month after using HubSpot for a year.

7 Big Trends That Are Shaping the Future of Digital Advertising


Mary Meeker's annual Internet Trends report is one of the most closely watched reports in the tech industry, and this year's presentation underscores the growth of mobile, particularly on social platforms that now control the bulk of ad spending and time spent by users. Here's a look at seven of the most interesting stats in Meeker's more than 200-slide deck presented at Re/code's Code Conference today.

The Future of Arts Education is a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy at the Podium


Today when I think about back-to-school time, I worry. Will the teachers be prepared to reach every student—and reach them in the poorer corners of cities as well as rural areas? Are the schools welcoming and enticing to students and parents? Will creativity be a daily activity in the lives of our country’s next generation of thinkers, leaders, and artists?


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