Digital Video Better Be up to Millennials' Standards


Millennials don’t find videos; videos find them, according to February 2015 research by Trendera. When the trend forecasting and brand strategy firm asked US millennial internet users how they found videos, nearly four in 10 said they saw what videos were recommended for them. Fully 37% subscribed to certain channels so that their favorite content would come to them when available, 36% relied on online trends to tell them what to view, and just over three in 10 looked at what their friends on social had shared.

On April 21st Your Site Must Be Mobile-Friendly


Google announced earlier this month that it would be releasing a new Google algorithm update aimed at making all sites on the web mobile-friendly. This update is set to go into effect on April 21. According to Marketing Land, consumers today spend 60% of their time on the internet on their mobile devices. And 3 out of 4 people will search on their smartphone for a business they are looking to work with (Google Partners). These statistics show the importance of having a mobile-friendly website and the reasoning behind Google’s big measures.

How Marissa Mayer Mobilized Yahoo


In Silicon Valley and on Wall Street, people have been asking questions about Mayer and her impact on the fate of Yahoo from the moment she was appointed CEO in July 2012. She came saddled with great expectations, as she had been Google’s 20th employee, its first female engineer, and the "high priestess of simplicity," as a 2005 Fast Company cover story described her. In 13 years at Google, she had become almost as closely associated with its rise as its founders. She left all that to save an enterprise that can only be described as moribund.

Digital Marketing Tips


When I discovered social media 7 years ago I was attracted by its potential to gain free global attention. You didn’t need to pay for an online audience or traffic. You attracted website visitors by writing great content, giving it away for free and growing your social networks. This awareness was driven in part when I read the book “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” by David Meerman Scott. It was an insight that changed my life forever. It was also a pivotal shift in marketing.

How to End Poverty In 90 Minutes


Sojourn Theatre’s How to End Poverty in 90 minutes (with 199 people you may or may not know) is a devised, community specific participatory theatre event that explores issues of poverty and democracy by allocating $1000 from the box office at every performance to a local organization that fights poverty. The audience decides where the money goes. The show’s plot is not a single story, but the journey of strangers (the audience) making a decision about how to best engage with a seemingly intractable and complex public issue.

#TBT: Closing the Barn Door Before the Horses Leave


People have very strong reactions to the words “dynamic pricing.” It strikes some as a dastardly way to take advantage of our poor defenseless patrons, and others as a lifeline to additional revenue that might finally balance the budget. It is neither. It is simply a tool.

Live Events are the New King


Word-of-mouth marketing may be the hot new trend, but when it comes to getting people to recommend a brand, nothing gets people talking up a brand like live experiences do, a new study shows. Momentum Worldwide surveyed more than 6,500 people in nine markets globally to compare the impact of 23 types of brand experiences, including watching TV commercials, visiting a brand’s social networking page and attending a branded music, sports or other event.

The Purpose Driven Marketer: How Patagonia Uses Storytelling to Turn Consumers Into Activists


Patagonia was a company with a few PR blunders that needed clever fixes. Their answer? Transparency, mission-based thinking, and digital storytelling with awesome graphics and videos to back it all up.


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