Dr. Melissa Akaka

Three Insights Tools for Increasing Audience Engagement

Posted by Dr. Melissa Akaka, Oct 29, 2021

Dr. Melissa Akaka

In the recent Arts Marketing Coffee Chat entitled “Research & Data: What Do You Need?” I shared the process for how arts organizations can address a specific a business problem by identifying data that an organization has or needs, which can provide insights into developing an effective solution. 

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Sheri Chaney Jones

Six Steps to Building a More Sustainable Organization

Posted by Sheri Chaney Jones, Apr 27, 2021

Sheri Chaney Jones

How can arts organizations ensure that the maximum benefits accrue to all aspects of your operations, beneficiaries, and stakeholders, regardless of what external forces come into play? Here are six ways that you can lay the groundwork for successful performance management initiatives and work toward long-term sustainability in 2021.

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Ms. Katryn Geane

The Power of Conflict: Why You Should Welcome Tough Conversations

Posted by Ms. Katryn Geane, Oct 18, 2019

Ms. Katryn Geane

Earlier this year, we gathered marketing leaders from top cultural institutions in New York City to talk about conflict. It comes as no surprise that on the way to delivering on the mission, there can be disagreements, clashes, and maybe all-out battles. We set out to create a brave space to have this conversation and brought in an expert to show us the way.

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Mrs. Sara R. Leonard

3 Essential Questions for Building Your Best Audience

Posted by Mrs. Sara R. Leonard, Oct 15, 2019

Mrs. Sara R. Leonard

Gaps in perception. Limitations of perspective. Failings of imagination. We can call them many things, but we all have them. And when it comes to building audiences for our arts organizations, they can really cause us trouble.

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Ms. Kate Brandt

How and Why to Rebrand Your Organization, Part 2: How

Posted by Ms. Kate Brandt, Oct 15, 2019

Ms. Kate Brandt

If you’ve read part 1 of this blog (the why of rebranding) and have decided your motives are pure and your rationale for rebranding is solid, now the real work begins. Here are some things to think about.

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Ms. Kate Brandt

How and Why to Rebrand Your Organization, Part 1: Why

Posted by Ms. Kate Brandt, Oct 14, 2019

Ms. Kate Brandt

Whether you’re looking at a major overhaul or a minor refresh, setting about to rebrand your organization is not an easy task, nor one to be entered into lightly. Here are some things to think about first.

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10 Social Media Apps You Should Be Using in 2017

Top social media apps for marketers

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

If you’ve ever tried to build classic flat pack furniture without that special screwdriver, you know how important the right tool can be. For social media managers, knowing the right tools and the best apps can make all the difference between a successful campaign and a mediocre one.

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Dara Fontein

One Ring to Convert Them All: Using Topical Events to Turn New Prospects into Single Ticket Buyers

Getting the right message to the right people at the right time. But what does that actually look like in practice?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

When you’re thinking about social content, think about the 70/30 rule of engagement. 70% of your content should be giving users interesting, fun, and shareable content. Do that correctly and you've earned the right to give users 30% sales content. One way to create good 70% content is to tap into what's going on in the world outside of your organization. This is called a social “sweet spot.”

Source Name: 
Capacity Interactive
Author Name: 
Sam Kindler

Museums Are The Biggest Job Creator You’ve Never Heard Of

OK museums, it’s time to talk money.

Friday, March 17, 2017

I don’t mean admission fees or fundraising drives. I’m talking about all the money museums generate for local, national, and global economies. If you haven’t yet found a resolution for 2017, make it to spread the word that museums are important for the economy.
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Museum Hack
Author Name: 
Ashleigh Hibbins

The Best Time to Make a Sales Call in 2017

The “best time to make cold calls” doesn’t exist.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Unfortunately for legacy salespeople, this approach doesn’t work anymore. An oft-cited study from the Keller Research Center at Baylor University shows only 1% of cold calls ultimately generate appointments.The takeaway is, the “best time to make cold calls” doesn’t exist. But it’s a different story for warm calls. If you’ve done your homework and identified a potential good fit, knowing when to pick up the phone can mean the difference between getting the prospect's voicemail -- and getting a meeting.


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Author Name: 
Steven Macdonald


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