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May 22, 2014

Rhode Island School of Design launched an innovative mapping tool to visualize STEAM activity worldwide during a STEAM Industry briefing held on Capitol Hill, May 7, 2014 in cooperation with U.S. House STEAM Caucus Co-Chairs Suzanne Bonamici (OR) and Aaron Schock (IL).

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May 21, 2014

As part of Americans for the Arts' ongoing initative to support our veterans and their families by helping them heal through the arts, we have recently partnered with We Are Veterans, a collaboration of local PBS stations, partner organizations, veteran service organizations, and communities to leverage resources to raise awareness about the well-being of veterans and their families.

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May 21, 2014

Americans for the Arts' Artists Committee member John Legend gave the commencement speech at the University of Pennsylvania on May 19, 2014.

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May 21, 2014

Americans for the Arts' Artists Committee member John Legend will perform a free concert at The Kennedy Center on Wednesday, May 28th at 7:30 PM.

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May 20, 2014

WASHINGTON D.C. - “We Are Veterans” is a collaboration of local PBS stations, partner organizations, veteran service organizations, and communities to leverage resources to raise awareness about the well-being of veterans and their families.

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May 17, 2014

On May 17th, Armed Forces Day, veterans traveled to Richmond, VA to use a hand-built ballista to launch physical symbols of their military service into a clay wall that will later be cast and become a tribute to veterans. The Veterans Impact Project made its debut at the Dominion Riverrock Festival.

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May 16, 2014

U.S. House Representatives Aaron Schock (R-IL) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) have introduced legislation that would permanently extend the IRA Charitable Rollover Provision. 

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May 16, 2014

On May 15, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) held an Open Meeting to consider whether to advance a notice of proposed agency rulemaking on net neutrality. The notice was considered in light of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals’ remand of portions of the FCC’s previous 2010 Open Internet Order in January 2014 in its decision in Verizon v. FCC.

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May 14, 2014

The Congressional Arts Caucus, co-led by Reps. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and Leonard Lance (R-NJ),  is one of the largest and most active on Capitol Hill, and is central to supporting the arts and arts education in the U.S. House of Representatives. Recently, 10 new members of Congress have signed up!

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May 13, 2014

The exhbition "This Land Is Your Land" will be on display starting at the end of May in NorthPark Center in Dallas, TX. Ivan Navarro, a native born Chilean artist, created a series of water tower artworks that intergrate neon and text. The artworks, formarly on display in Madison Square Park in New York City, are situtated within a shopping plaza.
