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Apr 09, 2014

The annual congressional letters to the U.S. House and Senate Appropriations Committees saw boosted support; the bipartisan House letter led by Congressional Arts Caucus co-Chairs Reps. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and Leonard Lance (R-NJ) received 134 signatures! Last year, the letter yielded 95 signatures.

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Apr 09, 2014

Good ideas can come from anywhere…if you ask us, convicts are pretty interesting people” comments Ben Pfutzenreuter, one of the founders of Concepting with Convicts, a project that partners with convicted felons to create powerful ads through the prison pen pal system. The partnership consists of the felon serving as art director or writer for an ad that is completed with help from the four directors of the project.

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Apr 07, 2014

Since the onset of the euro crisis, Portugal’s government has shrunk in size and sold various assets amounting to about $11 billion. However, the plan to sell off a collection of works by Catalan artist Joan Miró faced much opposition and intense conversation. The debate about how much the state should be allowed to sell led to the question of whether a nation’s cultural heritage is out of bounds.

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Apr 06, 2014

The new cultural affairs commissioner for New York City is Tom Finkelpearl, the president and executive director of the Queens Museum. Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Mr. Finkelpearl, who will act as the representative for the arts in a city known to many as the cultural capital of the world.  Mr. Finkelpearl will be responsible for a $156 million budget.

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Apr 03, 2014

With less than 30 days left to reach its $1.70 million Campaign for the Arts goal, United Arts of Central Florida announced that it has attained 77 percent or $1.31 million. This places them ahead of last year’s campaign by 9.7 percent.  Additionally, United Arts is expanding its United ArtsCard donor benefit, a buy-one-ticket-get-one-free and discount card, to include Broadway Across America.

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Mar 27, 2014

On Tuesday, March 25, 2014, Americans for the Arts President & CEO, Robert Lynch, was re-appointed by Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker to serve a second two-year term on the U.S. Travel & Tourism Advisory Board.

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Mar 26, 2014

A group of community leaders in Grand Forks, North Dakota are creating a public art program using the development of 42nd Street as a catalyst.

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Mar 25, 2014

Congressional Arts Caucus co-Chairs Reps. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and Leonard Lance (R-NJ) are co-leading a letter requesting $154.466 million for the NEA in FY 2015. In the Senate, Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) is circulating a letter in support of NEA/NEH funding at the $155 million level for FY 2015.

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Mar 25, 2014

Museum champions in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate are circulating bipartisan letters in support of “robust” funding for OMS in the coming fiscal year. In the House, the letter is led by Reps. Paul Tonko (D-NY), Michael Grimm (R-NY), and Arts Caucus co-Chairs Reps. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and Leonard Lance (R-NJ). In the Senate, it is led by Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Roy Blunt (R-MO).

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Mar 25, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Americans for the Arts, the nation’s leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education, in conjunction with The United States Conference of Mayors, presented the 2014 National Award for Congressional Arts Leadership to Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Rep. James P. Moran (D-VA).
