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Feb 18, 2014

Emily Peck, Vice President of Private Sector Initatives at Americans for the Arts, wrote to Giving Thoughts, The Conference Board's blog, in response to their recent interview with Peter Singer in which he stated "resources we use towards museums and symphony orchestra's could do more good if used to help the global poor." She comapres and contasts reserch done by American

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Feb 12, 2014

A bipartisan group of 35 U.S. Senators and Representatives called for immediate action to advance a nearly two-year old stalled process and finally end confusion over rules for musical instruments as carry-on luggage. Social media viral interest, petition efforts, and a congressionally mandated deadline have so far failed to speed agency rule-making.

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Feb 12, 2014

The following is directly from the Office of the Press Secretary of the White House, February 12, 2014.

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Obama announced his intent to nominate Dr. Jane Chu as Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts.

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Feb 12, 2014

On February 11, Robert Lynch, Americans for the Arts' CEO and President, co-authored a Letter to the Editor with arts advocate and award-winning actor Robert Redford on arts' potential to open doors for the less fortunate in response to an article pubished on February 4 by Patricia Cohen: N.E.A Benefits Both the Rich and the Poor, Study Finds.

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Feb 06, 2014

On Monday, February 3, the arts world lost cultural maven and lifetime arts advocate, Joan Mondale. As the wife of Walter Mondale, vice president to President Jimmy Carter, she used her public position to place a bright spotlight on the vital role that artists and arts organizations play in strengthening American communities.

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Feb 04, 2014

The Palmetto Bank of South Carolina has completed a $250,000 pledge to the Spartanburg Art Museum to endow its permanent art collection. The gift reflects the Bank’s consistent support of the arts within its local communities and throughout the state. The Palmetto Bank Endowed Permanent Collection is a central aspect of the Museum and features works of Warhol and Rockwell, among other notable American and South Carolinian artists.

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Feb 03, 2014

This past month, 13 arts organizations in small and rural communities throughout the state of Arizona were awarded $111,000 in Community Catalyst Grants from the Governor-appointed Arizona Commission on the Arts. The competitive grant program was established by a one-time state budget allocation for Fiscal Year 2014 and awarded funding of up to $10,000 to support community-focused partnerships between arts and non-arts organizations in communities with populations fewer than 100,000.

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Jan 31, 2014

Betting on the Super Bowl nothing is new. You may even be involved in a pool in your workplace or among friends. But stakes have reached a new all-time high in the world of fine arts with a friendly wager between the Seattle Art Museum and the Denver Art Museum.

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Jan 30, 2014

Marty Walsh, the newly elected Mayor of Boston, stepped into office and immediately went to work restructuring his cabinet and the Boston government. Walsh decided on cutting 14 city cabinets down to 12 and including 17 people in his cabinet instead of 20 with hope that the reorganization will better support city services.  A large change in the new cabinet is the promotion of Arts and Culture as a cabinet-level position.

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Jan 30, 2014

Between the moving 33 marriages officiated by Queen Latifia during the big-winners Macklemore and Ryan Lewis performance (oh, and Madonna!), the memorable performances by Daft Punk and Beyonce/Jay-Z, and the funny dancing of Taylor Swift - it was easy to miss a special, first-time-for-the-Grammy's award that recognizes artist's teachers - the Music Educator Award.
