Monday, May 11, 2015

Connecticut will soon have a new Director of Culture—Kristina Newman-Scott.

Newman-Scott’s new position “within the state Department of Economic and Community Development is designed to give the arts community a high-level voice in state government.” Her main duties include promoting and advocating for the arts and culture, focusing on historic preservation, and aligning efforts with the state’s tourism department in promoting Connecticut as an ideal cultural destination.

Her appointment comes at a unique time—the state legislature is currently reviewing the governor’s budget proposal to decrease arts funding by $3 million. Newman-Scott stated that it is important for lawmakers to see the economic benefits of the arts and culture sector as well as view artists as important cultural resources. Newman-Scott stated, “The more we empower artists, designers, architects and creative entrepreneurs to help solve some of the problems surrounding poverty, homelessness, economic development, that’s when the conversation shifts and that’s a great opportunity for the state of Connecticut.”
