Art Across the Military Continuum

Monday, October 6, 2014

In their first art exhibit specifically focused on the military life cycle, the Arts Council of Moore County, North Carolina, is planning to present “Homefront & Downrange: Witness the Art in Military Life” from June 5-July 10, 2015 in the Campbell House Galleries in Southern Pines.  The soldier’s story is told through the combat photography of Hunter Rudd, a Special Forces veteran of Middle Eastern conflicts; military spouse and narrative textile artist Kristen La Flamme will exhibit works speaking to the families of those who serve; and the story of returning home will be told through works from the Combat Paper Project, a program in which the physical and emotional remnants of military service are made one for veterans through art.

Indicative of the National Initiative for Arts & Health in the Military, the exhibit advances the use of the arts as a tool for coping and building resilience for service members and their families across the military continuum, from pre-deployment to re-entry, helping them to embrace their military experiences.

Kristen La Flamme will be a featured speaker and artist at the annual “Healing Art Exhibit” at Walter Reed Bethesda October 16.
