Americans for the Arts holds reception in Washington, D.C. Office

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Americans for the Arts' congratulates and thanks Jonathan Katz for his 30 years of dedicated service to the global arts community through his leadership of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA). We celebrated his many achievements and long standing partnership with Americans for the Arts at a reception in our Washington, D.C. office on November 10. 

Said Katz on his retirement to the Grantmakers in the Arts: “It has been my great privilege to serve as your CEO during the last three decades,” Katz said. “So much so that I've effortlessly postponed putting more energy into what has now become a demanding writing agenda. Also, my enjoyment of leadership development and strategic planning has never stopped growing. I'd like to invest more time and creativity in those pursuits in the future.”

Katz also spoke as closing keynote at the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies annual conference, November 14. 

See more photos of his retirement reception with Americans for the Arts on our Instagram account.