A small town in California asks for help bringing school libraries into the 21st century

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

In Greenville, Calif.—population 1,200—the local junior/senior high school has not been able to purchase new books since the 1990s. But all that is changing, according to blogger Margaret Garcia. Greenville Junior/Senior High School and Indian Valley Academy, which share the library space, have new leadership which are welcoming the idea of revamping the library. But, like many towns in rural America, there isn't much budget for the arts. So Garcia turned to the internet to ask for help.

"We need racially diverse books. We need graphic novels. We need women’s studies," Garcia writes. "We need science. We need series. We need film. We need comics. We need music. We need biographies of important people. Looking for Young Adult. Classics. We want zines! Contemporary. Poetry. Everything that would make a difference in a young person’s life."

The internet has responded, in a big way.
