Wednesday, August 9, 2017

A new study from Americans for the Arts measured the economic impact of nonprofit arts and culture organizations in Lynchburg, Virginia at $10.8 million per year. In 2015, these organizations spent $6,648,618 on salaries, contracts, supplies, and other expenses. In addition, audience members generated $4,207,822 in event related spending—such as meals, souvenirs, and transportation.

The study, titled Arts and Economic Prosperity 5, examined data from 341 regions across the country. The City of Lynchburg Office of Economic Development joined the study to create a customized report for Lynchburg.

On behalf of the coordinating partners, we say thank you,” said Joan F. Foster, mayor of Lynchburg. “This study shows that an investment in the arts is an investment in a viable economic sector—one that supports jobs, generates public, private and non-profit revenue and is a cornerstone of tourism.”

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Catherine Doss & Chris Hoffman