American Planning Association Honors Success of Arts & Entertainment Districts

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) will receive the National Planning Achievement Award for Economic Planning & Development from the American Planning Association (APA) at the 2015 National Planning Awards Luncheon in Seattle Washington on Monday, April 20, 2015. The 12 Achievement Award recipients were selected by a prestigious awards panel and the awards range from transportation planning to environmental improvements to urban design, among others.

“Maryland is proud to be recognized for this exceptional program that has served as a model, placing the arts at the center of economic and community development. Maryland is home to hundreds of creative businesses that support jobs and generate tax revenue for our state,” said Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development Secretary Mike Gill. “This award is also a tribute to the local District leaders that have been on the front lines of revitalization and placemaking in their communities.”

Maryland is home to a very successful Arts and Entertainment Districts Program that has become a model for other states interested in using Cultural/Arts and Entertainment Districts as a tooll for community and economic development. There are currently 22 designated A&E Districts across Maryland in 15 counties.