Thursday, August 3, 2017

Missoula, also known as the Garden City, serves as a hub of arts and culture in the state of Montana. A new study called Arts and Economic Prosperity 5 reveals that arts and culture nonprofits in Missoula generated $54 million in economic activity in 2015.

Americans for the Arts partnered with Arts Missoula to collect data from nonprofits throughout the city. They also collected surveys from audience members, which revealed that attendees spend an average of $25.99 per event on items such as parking, food, and hotel rooms.

“This says what we kind of knew already and what we felt in Missoula,” said Tom Bensen, executive director of Arts Missoula. “When you compare the figures to other communities our size, we’re much larger. We have a very healthy arts and culture community.”

Source Name: 
Missoula Current
Author Name: 
Martin Kidston