Wednesday, May 20, 2015

On May 18, the North Carolina House of Representatives released its budget plan. In the plan, the House has proposed to revive the state’s tax credit for restoring historic and cultural buildings, which was allowed to expire last legislative session.

In the spending plan, larger projects would be able to apply for up to $20 million in tax credits. Credits for “Non-revenue producing” projects would have a cap at $22,500. In addition, the House proposed to increase the film tax credit program’s budget from $10 million to $60 million. Before the program was downsized last year to a $10 million grant program, eligible film projects that spent more than $250,000 in-state could apply for a 25 percent refund; the program also had a budget of approximately $60 million.

Since the program's downsize, many film productions have pulled from filming in North Carolina which has caused in-state film professionals to relocate. The House will vote on the budget later this week.
