Thursday, February 28, 2013

U.S. Rep. Lance Named Arts Caucus Co-Chair

U.S. Rep. Leonard Lance (R-New Jersey) has been named co-chairman of the Congressional Arts Caucus, a bipartisan group promoting the arts on the federal level.

Lance, the group’s Republican co-chair, serves alongside Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-New York). 'I’ve had an interest in these matters in New Jersey and more recently in Washington. It’s important that our country be recognized for the arts and humanities, as well as in other ways,' Lance said. 'I’m honored to be the Republican co-chair.'

Before his election to Congress in 2008, Lance was a key Republican in Trenton and a valued supporter of the arts. In 2003, he cast the lone Republican vote for the Hotel-Motel Occupancy Fee, created to fund the state’s cultural agencies and tourism after then-Gov. Jim McGreevey cut arts funding from the state budget.

Lance has been a member of the Congressional Arts Caucus since 2009. The group has 185 members, including eight members of New Jersey’s congressional delegation.

Arts advocate Ann Marie Miller welcomed Lance’s appointment. 'It’s important for New Jersey and nationally as well,' Miller, executive director of ArtPride New Jersey, said.

'Leonard Lance has always supported arts and culture in New Jersey. It’s part of his fiber, his upbringing. He values how important the arts are to our lives.'

The Star-Ledger 02/28/2013