Mr. Edgar L. Smith, Jr.

Diversity Makes Us Smarter

Posted by Mr. Edgar L. Smith, Jr., Jun 16, 2016

Mr. Edgar L. Smith, Jr.

Edgar Smith, Chairman and CEO of World Pac Paper, LLC and BCA Executive Board Chair, gave closing remarks at a recent discussion on cultural equity and the arts, and the role that business leaders play in advocating for both the role of arts and the need for diversity in all aspects of the creative and business worlds. 

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Emma Osore

Dismantling, Not Reinforcing, Privilege

Posted by Emma Osore, Aug 02, 2016

Emma Osore

By consciously and continuously identifying the needs of the field, exposing our blind spots, assessing our fuller diversity, and building and/or dismantling the structures that reinforce privilege, we can all take a little credit in the work of steering our society in a more equitable direction—even if we already think we are doing a good job.

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Kristen van Ginhoven

Women’s Leadership in the Non-Profit Theatre: Continuing Actions to Shift the Perception

Posted by Kristen van Ginhoven, Apr 20, 2017

Kristen van Ginhoven

Women have never held more than 27% of leadership positions in American non-profit theatre. Why? In a field in which “representation” is important to the stories we present to the public, the persistent underrepresentation of female leadership is puzzling and problematic. A 2013 research study was able to unravel some of the reasons behind leadership gender imbalance through a multi-informant and multi-method design, which made clear that the issue is not a pipeline problem. There are sufficient numbers of women in next-in-line positions in the field. Action plans that address this “glass ceiling” need to be developed to correct the disparity and will be explored at the pilot Berkshire Leadership Summit in October 2017.

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Mr. Eric Booth

Validating the Democracy of the Arts

Posted by Mr. Eric Booth, Jul 26, 2017

Mr. Eric Booth

For a very long time, the criteria for excellence in the arts have been owned by a particular body of experts who generally have a condescending view of the quality of art developed in community-based and social change programs and projects. These credentialed “experts” hold to a definition of quality largely based in an “art for art’s sake” paradigm. However, this definition loses the connection with the vast majority of people who live in the country, as well as the vast range of arts that is produced here and the range of reasons for which people make art. Art is for many sakes, including but not limited to art’s sake (whatever that restriction means in practice).

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Mr. Ryan A. Nicotra

Questions to Begin a Conversation about (Re)Designing Your Organization for Equity

Posted by Mr. Ryan A. Nicotra, Oct 19, 2017

Mr. Ryan A. Nicotra

As we approach the upcoming National Arts Marketing Project Conference in Memphis, I’m excited to enter a new conversation about the possibilities for our sector that can be unlocked by embracing a designer’s mentality to address the critical need to diversify our audiences, our leadership, and our organizations.

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Dr. Fred Bronstein

Great Art Knows No Boundaries

Posted by Dr. Fred Bronstein, May 03, 2018

Dr. Fred Bronstein

It is exciting and remarkable news that the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in music went to rapper Kendrick Lamar for his album DAMN. Lamar is the first composer outside of the classical or jazz arenas to be awarded a Pulitzer. And one of the critical subtexts of his win is the message that it sends about how musical boundaries are uncontained—they are breaking down. For too long we have seen art and music as a function of silos—pop here, classical over there, jazz somewhere else, you get the idea. It doesn’t work anymore. It is artificial. In fact, I would argue that the worst thing that ever happened to classical music was when it became walled off from the broader culture early in the 20th century.

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