Adil Mansoor

Privilege, Access, and the Arts

Posted by Adil Mansoor, Jul 22, 2015

Adil Mansoor

This past June, I had the opportunity to present at the first Cultural Equity Preconference at the 2015 American for the Arts (AFTA) gathering in Chicago, IL. Over 100 people spent three rigorous days thinking about art, diversity, and their own communities. Each presentation created space for me to consider, reflect, and question. From chats over lunch about gay zombie theater to bus rides investigating the urgent need to include dialogue about ability and accessibility in social justice movements, every interaction was steeped in expansive conversations.

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Jason Tseng

What We Talk About When We Talk About Transforming the Field

Posted by Jason Tseng, Aug 07, 2015

Jason Tseng

“To fundamentally transform the field in order to meet a fundamentally changing nation and time, we need to fundamentally change who is in the field ”

This was the prompt I was given, earlier this year, when I was asked to speak at the Americans for the Arts Convention. It so happens that I spend a lot of time thinking about transforming the arts and culture field; on the account of the fact that I work for Fractured Atlas, a nonprofit technology organization that helps artists with the business side of the creative work, where transforming the status quo of the field is part and parcel of everything that we do.

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Mr. Clayton W. Lord

Where the Cultural Life Flowers, the Community as a Whole Prospers and Grows

Posted by Mr. Clayton W. Lord, Aug 17, 2015

Mr. Clayton W. Lord

What makes a “healthy, vibrant, equitable community” healthy, vibrant, or equitable? As time marches on, what challenges will be presented to that community—to the millions of different communities that exist and overlap in every part of our lives? And how can the arts be a part of pushing past those challenges, empowering change, and creating a brighter future?

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Audra Lambert

What's Possible in America: Dread Scott, More Art, and the Impossibility of Freedom

Posted by Audra Lambert, Aug 26, 2015

Audra Lambert

The thing I remember most about the start of the performance was the deafening sound of silence.

That was the first unexpected moment during artist and activist Dread Scott’s performance piece with More Art. The crowd pressed forward in anticipation as Scott turned a corner and prepared to advance. The firefighters, prepared to unleash a stream of water against Scott equivalent to a crowd control hose, were at the ready. And the world held its breath.


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Hoong Yee Krakauer

The Cultural Equity T Shirt Project

Posted by Hoong Yee Krakauer, Oct 07, 2015

Hoong Yee Krakauer


How do you support artists whose work questions, argues, provokes, disrupts and refuses to accept anything less than an equitable cultural ecosystem?

This is the question that drove me to the 2015 Americans for the Arts Pre-Conference on Cultural Equity in Chicago.

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Mr. Mark Valdez


Posted by Mr. Mark Valdez, Oct 27, 2015

Mr. Mark Valdez

Here's a thought: what if we stopped thinking about art and social justice and instead looked at art as social justice? By keeping them separate, we are asked to value one over the other, or worse, we make one subservient, a mere tool that's in service of the other. I posit that maybe they can be one in the same.

I don't mean to imply that all can or should function as social justice. But there is a small and growing part of the field that is proving that the art itself can be a manifestation of social justice.

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