Meccah M. Martin

Envisioning My Future Self: Reflections from a Future Leader of Color

Posted by Meccah M. Martin, Dec 11, 2020

Meccah M. Martin

When I look into the future, my vision is a little blurry. The year 2020 caused me to reflect in a way I never have before. In a year of uncertainty, the last thing I would like to be is unsure of my path. My wariness mirrors my feelings towards the arts and culture field, which is my career focus. The arts are struggling as performance venues, museums, dance centers, and so many other large and small arts organizations closed their doors due to COVID. Not only do the arts have to navigate the current state of the world, but there is another issue that plagues the field, namely racial inequity. Along with the pandemic, the ongoing conversation of race and the treatment and lack of representation of African Americans in the arts and entertainment sectors came to the forefront. Unfortunately, the demand for equality is still prominent, after years and years of constant toil. As much as I put my chosen career path on a pedestal, the arts struggle with this issue as well, making it harder for Black people to excel to higher positions or step foot in the door at all. You would think that a field that relies so much on diversity, and champions itself on representing different ideals and backgrounds, would have more representation. The sad truth is that the arts are far behind in the race for equality, equity, and inclusion.

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Abigail Alpern Fisch

Member Spotlight: Andressa Furletti

Posted by Abigail Alpern Fisch, Dec 07, 2020

Abigail Alpern Fisch

Originally from Brazil, Andressa Furletti is a multidisciplinary artist based in New York. She is the co-founder and artistic director of Group Dot BR, New York’s only Brazilian theater company. Group Dot BR's mission is to present Brazilian culture through the performing arts. It serves enthusiasts of multicultural arts, contemporary, physical, and avant-garde theater. Group Dot BR's productions always incorporate the Portuguese language (with English subtitles when present), offering audiences the opportunity to connect with the sound and musicality of the Brazilian language. In the wake of COVID-19, Group Dot BR initiated the NY Brazilian Artists Fund to support immigrant artists from the Brazilian community in New York facing financial hardship because of the pandemic. 

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Mr. Robert Lynch

How the Work of Americans for the Arts Is Addressing the Urgent Challenges of 2020

Posted by Mr. Robert Lynch, Nov 16, 2020

Mr. Robert Lynch

Americans for the Arts is committed to a vision of the arts being recognized as integral to the lives of all people and essential to healthy, vibrant, and equitable communities across the nation. The work of the organization is guided by a board-approved strategic plan with the advice of our leadership councils, strategic partners, local and state arts agencies, and many other decision makers, all of whom have a stake in advancing the arts as core to transforming lives, communities, workplaces, and education systems. The urgency of this vision has never been more apparent than in 2020—amid a global pandemic, heightened focus on social justice and racial equity, a huge economic downturn, and a contentious presidential election. These issues have impacted every community across the country and devastated artists, nonprofit and for-profit creative businesses, educational systems, healthcare, and trust in government. And because of long-term systemic inequities, these challenges have more severely affected people and communities of color. In 2020, Americans for the Arts continued its commitment to our vision and planned work, while also pivoting and taking on new, urgent work like so many of our 5,000 member organizations. Here are highlights of some key areas of the new and urgent work of Americans for the Arts in 2020 that are in addition to our planned work portfolio.

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Ms. Donna Walker-Kuhne

How the Arts Can Help Combat Bias and Injustice

Posted by Ms. Donna Walker-Kuhne, Nov 02, 2020

Ms. Donna Walker-Kuhne

Since the tragic killing of George Floyd earlier this year, there have been scores of news reports about the hundreds of millions of dollars pledged and/or donated to organizations committed to fighting for racial justice, equity, diversity and inclusion, or to address unconscious bias. I believe a portion of this money should be shared with arts organizations to help facilitate and foster the social changes necessary for transforming this era of racial injustice into an era of recognition and respect for the dignity of all people. Why give money to the arts? Throughout every pandemic—and racial injustice is indeed an epic pandemic—the arts continue to define, shape, and sustain the narrative of the general population. Artists are natural innovators who can provide insight and help us consider solutions to the challenges we are confronting. Their work stimulates collective imagination; stirs our sense of possibility and has been shown to inspire us to action.

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Nikki Kirk

Ami Scherson

Reflecting on Virtual Internships During COVID-19

Posted by Nikki Kirk, Ami Scherson, Oct 28, 2020

Nikki Kirk

Ami Scherson

The 28th year of Americans for the Arts’ Diversity in Arts Leadership (DIAL) summer internship program was forced to shift gears due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier this year we shared a blog post, “Re-envisioning Internships During COVID-19,” which provides a baseline understanding of where we started in our discussions and decision to continue the DIAL 2020 summer intern program during the pandemic. We discussed our plans and strategies of how we converted our program rooted in in-person, cohort-based work and activities, to an all virtual experience. As so many internship programs have been eliminated or transitioned during this time, we wanted to share the outcome of our re-envisioned virtual DIAL internship program: the challenges we faced, the successes we saw, and what we’ve learned. Though our virtual programming was different in many ways, one thing that did not change was its impact. All our interns stated that continuing the program through the global pandemic had a lasting impact on them. 

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Masary Studios

Protest Projections

Posted by Masary Studios, Oct 19, 2020

Masary Studios

The decision to stand up and speak out on the injustices in our society does not always come as a choice for those who are subjected to them. In some cases, protest becomes a necessary means for which progress and justice may be made. The protests that followed the death of George Floyd in May 2020 took place all across the country, including Boston, where MASARY Studios is located. On May 31, a peaceful march in memory of George Floyd turned into a large rally on the Boston Common. The cultural tension between people of color and the local police force was felt in the air as the events unfolded throughout the night. Sparked by this event, the civil unrest became headline news and a prominent point of discussion. The start of our Protest Projections in Downtown Boston began the night after the rally at the Boston Common, emerging from the same cultural energy and tensions. As creatives we are motivated by our feelings of wanting to speak up, make a difference, and be a part of or start the conversation. Using our experience in public spaces as artists doing projections, we wanted to continue to use this medium to make an impact for change. Witnessing the nationwide protests, specifically the ones in our own city, the sense of creative urgency was even more present as we thought about our response as artists but also as protestors. Motivated by our drive to take action and the fact that so much is on the line for our future, it was not hard for us to decide whether or not we should take action.

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