Author(s): Voss, Zannie Giraud and Voss, Glenn B.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2002

For the 28th year, Theatre Communications Group publishes Theatre Facts, an annual update on the field's attendance, performance and fiscal health, based on information provided by theatres that participate in the annual TCG fiscal survey.

Author(s): Fichandler, Zelda
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2002

Transcript of Zelda Fichlander's lecture, for the 15th Annual Nancy Hanks Lecture on Arts and Public Policy.

Author(s): Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2001

A strategic business plan, based on current research data, designed to address the needs and issues facing arts and cultural organizations and constituents in the Sacramento Metropolitan area.

Author(s): Kevin F. McCarthy and Elizabeth Heneghan Ondaatje
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2001

Examines the organizational features of the media arts, placing them in the context of the broader arts environment and identifying the major challenges they face.

Author(s): Richeson, Nancy, and Thorson, James A.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2001

The authors examined the effects of autobiographical writing on the well-being of older adults to determine if there were differences between participants who enrolled in an autobiographical writing class or those who took part in a continuing education liberal arts class.

Author(s): Sanchez-Jankowski, Martina
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2001

This article looks at the impact of ethnic group history on perceptions of civic engagement and argues that, instead of there being 1 civic culture in the , there are a variety of civic subcultures.

Author(s): Walker, Chris
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2001

For most people who participate in arts and culture, the experience involves community connections with particular people or acquaintances in their communities; through community organizations that are important to them; or at places that are familiar, friendly and accessible. These community connections represent 'paths of engagement,' and a deeper understanding of those everyday connections can open new opportunities for arts and cultural organizations to build participation. This is a key finding from a survey of residents in five places where prorgams have been working to broaden,

Author(s): Barreto, Ricardo
Date of Publication: Sep 30, 2001

The writer examines issues which are at the core of the activity of public art professionals, but the implications of which can be set aside in the day-to-day administration of public art.

Author(s): William T. Cleveland, Patricia A. Shifford
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2001

Continental Harmony is a project completed in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts, which placed composers in 58 communities across the . The evaluation of this project begins to prove the broad efficacy of arts-based community development. This study would be of interest to funders, communities, and artists.

Author(s): Kevin F. McCarthy, Arthur Brooks, Julia Lowell and Laura Zakaras
Date of Publication: Jun 30, 2001

RAND examines recent trends in the performing arts and discusses how the arts are likely to evolve in the future.
