Round 43: Small Business/Big Change Economic Perspectives from Artists & Artreprenuers Contender for Inaugural Leadership Award

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Round 43: Small Business/Big Change: Economic Perspectives from Artists and Artrepreneurs is one of several projects in the running for the Robert E. Gard award. This is the inaugural year of the award which recognizes and celebrates an exemplary project from 2015 that has successfully crossed the arts into community life in meaningful measurable ways.

New National Study, Options for Community Arts Training & Support, released by Intermedia Arts

In Conjunction with Americans for the Arts

Monday, May 16, 2016

Intermedia Arts, in conjunction with Americans for the Arts / Animating Democracy commissioned this national study of local arts agencies to assess community arts activity and training opportunities.

Announcing the 2016 BCA 10: Best Businesses Partnering with the Arts in America

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Americans for the Arts is pleased to announce the BCA 10: Best Businesses Partnering with the Arts in America honorees for 2016.

Presented every year by the Business Committee for the Arts (BCA), a division of Americans for the Arts, the BCA 10 awards honor 10 U.S. companies for their exceptional commitment to the arts through grants, local partnerships, volunteer programs, matching gifts, sponsorships, and board membership.

Engaging Employees Through the Arts is Good Business

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Americans for the Arts knows that engaging business employees through volunteerism and the arts is key to fostering a desirable work environment, increasing efficiency and morale, and doing good in the community. For arts groups seeking to build deeper ties with the business community, offering to address the need to engage employees in their work can serve as a powerful tool and argument for why supporting the arts is a win-win for everyonethe company, its employees, your organization, and the entire community.

Storefront Art Walk Puts Brooklyn Artists, Businesses, and Community in the Spotlight

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

SAW was created in 2010 by local artist and business owner John Avelluto (The Owl’s Head Wine Bar) and business owner Heather Hamilton (Long’s Wine & Liquors) as a way to showcase the diverse community of Bay Ridge and give it a unique platform for engagement and dialogue with the visual arts. By supporting and promoting emerging local artists and celebrating local Bay Ridge businesses, SAW broadly explores the intersection between commerce, art and community. While Bay Ridge is home to many artists, the neighborhood is under-served and underfunded in terms of public arts spending and grants.

Microsoft & Apple Unite Through Song

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

"From now on... if we haven't got exactly what the customer wants, we'll send him where he can get it. No high pressuring and forcing a customer to take something he doesn't really want. We'll be known as the helpful store..the friendly store...the store with a heart...the store that places public service ahead of profits. And, consequently, we'll make more profits than ever before." --Mr. Macy, Miracle on 34th Street.

NYC CEO Shares 6 Ways Dance Helps Him Lead

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Mathew Heggem is a dancer turned CEO of SUM Innovation, a 15 person company that assesses, designs, implements, and manages accounting solutions. After working in the nonprofit world for many years, Matthew changed his career to seek out new experiences. Though one may not think that “choreographer” and “accounting consultant” share many characteristics, Matthew says building a business is creative work.

Americans for the Arts Affirms Dire Need for Inclusion Across America

Monday, April 11, 2016

In light of recently passed and proposed laws across the United States aimed at prohibiting local governments from enacting anti-discrimination measures, Americans for the Arts releases a statement affirming that everyone deserves equal access to a full, vibrant creative life—essential to a healthy and democratic society. 

Nomination Deadline for the Leadership Awards has been EXTENDED!

Nominations now close Sunday, March 13 at 11:59 p.m. (EST)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Members of Americans for the Arts now have until Sunday, March 13, 2016 to nominate outstanding arts leaders from their communities for one of seven Annual Leadership Awards.

New Essay on Engaging Employees Through Art Partnerships

The pARTnership Movement Essay Series

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Arts partnerships offer companies effective and cost-efficient methods of achieving critical business goals. To explore and illustrate the different types of benefits that arts partnerships can bring to businesses, Americans for the Arts is producing a series of essays on Each essay includes case studies from some of America's most successful business and arts partnerships.

Schools Must Be Safe Places for Students to Learn and Pursue Their Passions

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

A nation plagued by school shootings watched the horror play out yet again in Southeast Texas when eight Santa Fe High School students and two teachers were killed and 10 others were wounded recently in the worst school shooting since the February assault on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Many of these victims were in an arts classroom making art at the time. Schools must be safe places for students to learn and pursue their passions in the arts and beyond. 


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