Digital Marketing and Social Media

36 Useful Apps and Online Tools for Nonprofits


The number of low-cost or free apps and online tools available to nonprofits today is astounding. Provided you set aside the time to explore and experiment, your nonprofit can use the apps and tools listed below to significantly improve your web, email, social media, and visual content.

U R What U Tweet


If you take a look at the top 10 Twitter users you'll see a list of famous men and women, from Justin Bieber to Selena Gomez, who have used the popular platform to further expand their personal brands. Perhaps more interesting, however, is how everyday people are investing more time and energy into social networking for professional purposes.


6 Podcasts That Will Make You a Better Social Media Marketer

Here are six podcasts we recommend to get you started.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


For social media marketers in particular, podcasts can help keep your skills sharp and your brain churning, and arm you with strategies to stay one step ahead of the competition.For social media marketers in particular, podcasts can help keep your skills sharp and your brain churning, and arm you with strategies to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Author(s): Kristin Thomson, Kristen Purcell, and Lee Rainie
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2013

The report Arts Organizations and Digital Techologies shares results of a survey to explore how arts organizations use technology and how it impacts their work.

Cultural organizations like theater companies, orchestras, and art museums are using the internet, social media, and mobile apps to draw in and engage audiences, provide deeper context around art, and disseminate their work beyond the stage and the gallery.

Author(s): Vidyard
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2017

This report shares trends from analyzing data colleced from Vidyard video platform of more than 500 businesses over 600 million video streams in the year 2016.

Author(s): Salesforce
Date of Publication: Jul 07, 2017

This infographic focuses on the 8 key skills marketers must have according to Salesforce.

Author(s): Eric Hinson
Date of Publication: Feb 01, 2017

6 Steps to Creating the Perfect Marketing Video

Author(s): Citipost Mail
Date of Publication: Mar 17, 2017

This infographic focuses on how Generation X and Baby Boomers are using social media, and how you can use this to inform and improve your online marketing campaigns.

Author(s): Kara Bruney
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2017

Just how good is your growth? As more people join social networks worldwide, is the value of your brand audeince depreciating?

Author(s): Jeff Mindell
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

Instagram is an amazing place to network, find inspiration, and engage with a community of like-minded creatives. It’s time to make Instagram work for your creative business.

Author(s): Andrew Hutchinson
Date of Publication: Feb 01, 2017

It's impossible to deny the impact of Snapchat. The ephemeral content app has more than 150 million daily active users, and - according to Snapchat - is used by 41% of all 18 to 34 year-olds in the United States.

Author(s): Juliet Ramirez
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

We captured thousands of tweets at #NAMPC, so we've selected the Best 50 from the #NAMPC tweet deck for you to enjoy and share with others. 

Author(s): MDG Advertising
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2017

This infographic looks at seven key digital marketing resolutions that businesses should consider as we move into 2017.

Author(s): Netmark
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

The purpose of this guide is not to give you a full digital marketing strategy, it is to inform and instruct you on the key concepts of website optimization and advertising on a basic level. This guide is meant to help those just starting out to have a sound understanding of what to know and what questions they can ask as they put resources towards making their business more successful. [Introduction p. 2]

Author(s): Gensing-Pophal, Lin, PMC
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2011

"While the delivery mechanisms are different, in reality, the basics of communicating effectively with whoever the target audience might be really haven’t changed very much, if at all. Effective communication is still effective communication, and direct mail — whether in the snail mail environment or online — still benefits from the same tried and true principles that gurus such as Claude C. Hopkins, and later, Bob Bly and Herschell Gordon Lewis espoused and practiced. When you run a radio spot for your product or service it’s hard to tell exactly how effective

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2011

Gain insight & learn the best audience engagement practices through these 13 best visual representations.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2011

In our newest e-book, 50 Winning Tweets from the 2011 National Arts Marketing Project Conference, you'll see the 50 most insightful, inspiring, and awesome takeaways straight from the #nampc tweet deck.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2012

In this e-Book, Banish Online Video Marketing Blunders for Good!, you’ll find examples of successful marketing videos from a variety of organizations and genres, including dance, theatre, music, and the visual arts.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2012

In this e-book, 13 Social Media Infographics That Every Marketer Needs to See, Volume 2, you will:

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2012

At the 2012 National Arts Marketing Project Conference, we captured over 6,600 tweets with more than 500 people using the hashtag #nampc. In this e-book, you’ll get a glimpse into the conversations and creativity that took place.

Author(s): Americans for the Arts
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2013

In this E-book, Hearty, Wholesome, and Homemade: Building an Instagram Community That Thrives, you'll find:

  • Why Instagram is the perfect platform for developing a digital community and how to make your community its most honest and inclusive
  • Inspiring quotes, notable case studies, and handy “bread and butter” takeaways for putting your learning into practice
  • A battery of handy tools for tracking the success of your Instagram community


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