Digital Marketing and Social Media

Lisa Niedermeyer

Video Production: A Practical Guide for Arts Marketers

Posted by Lisa Niedermeyer, Jul 20, 2011

Lisa Niedermeyer

When you have clearly identified that your arts organization needs to out-source video in order to accomplish a specific goal, what questions should you ask when you pick up the phone and call a video production company?

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Brian Reich

Shift and Reset

Posted by Brian Reich, Jul 01, 2011

Brian Reich

I say it all the time, but it bears repeating: Our society has changed – dramatically – over the past few decades.

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Peter Corbett

Non-traditional Social Ideas for Marketing Your Venue and Performances

Posted by Peter Corbett, Apr 11, 2011

Peter Corbett

These emerging platforms are meant to be inexpensive and lightweight to produce, yet have impact that can be felt at the box office in terms of lifting brand awareness for the organization.

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Lisa Niedermeyer

Communicating the Message : Using Online Video as a Tool

Posted by Lisa Niedermeyer, Nov 30, 2010

Lisa Niedermeyer

How are we engaging our audiences, how we are communicating our messages, how we are raising money, and how we are using technology to do it. With YouTube currently ranking as the #2 search engine in the world, this means many of us are using online video as a tool.

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Ms. Nancy Hytone Leb

Marketing Means More than Facebook

Posted by Ms. Nancy Hytone Leb, Jul 20, 2010

Ms. Nancy Hytone Leb

Social media tools are fun, hip, sexy, cheap and easy to use. It’s not too surprising that arts organizations are quick to embrace the ever-evolving world of social media.

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