Celebrating National Arts and Humanities Month with an Eye to a New Cast of Characters
We are at the edge of a changing political tide, whereby elected leaders and administrations will change and support mechanisms for the arts will necessarily evolve. We have one last shot in 2016 to show our future elected leaders the importance of the arts in America.
Give the Arts Day is October 6. Show your support!
Give The Arts Day is a 24-hour giving campaign to bring together arts supporters from all over the country, who support the arts in their communities every day. Help us by supporting Americans for the Arts on Oct. 6, so that Americans for the Arts can continue to support you every day of the year. 
The Art of Creative Conversations
There are a lot of different ways to have a Creative Conversation—you can do brown bag lunches, panel discussions, longer workshops, and even full day symposia—but the most important thing is to have one!
The Great Equalizer
We know arts education levels the playing field and gives those without hope, hope; those without opportunity, opportunity. As arts educators, we must continue to promulgate the same messages over and over—to each generation, to each politician, to each school principal, to each parent. 
The Royall Art Walk
When opening a new Royall & Company office building south of the campus on Parham Road in Richmond, Virginia, the idea of an employee art gallery came to life. The Royall Art Walk invited employees to actively participate in the creativity, inventiveness and raw talent that is such an essential aspect of the workplace.
More Than Crafty Chaos—Afterschool Art Matters!
Not only can such programs nurture the creativity of kids without art education in school, but afterschool art enrichment is a powerful compliment to classroom learning, allowing the seeds planted in art class to grow and flourish over time. Put another way, informal art education is the practicum for the young artist-in-training! 
Columbia, South Carolina
On a trip to teach and learn about cultural districts in South Carolina, I was struck by the desire of each district to develop relationships with the others and to work together to promote each other’s cultural assets and build knowledge about the state across the state.
Do your part for public art—check out the #KRISArtofGiving campaign
KRIS Wines has partnered with Americans for the Arts to celebrate the value of public art in American communities, and reward the artists who create it. They’re giving away $25,000 in prizes to artists who have recently completed projects in the United States, and your votes—up to once per day at kriswine.com/giving—will determine the winners.
Not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined arts education would have resulted in a professional career enabling me to work with with renowned artists including Kennedy Center Honorees Arthur Mitchell and Yo-Yo Ma to plan and deliver arts education programs.
Agency to Craft Change
If I can pinpoint one thing #BecauseOfArtsEd—it’s that the arts is a connector, it’s the social tissue that binds us together, it makes us human. When I think about my life and my education, I can’t separate the arts from it.
A Peace Corps China Experiment: Dance History to Teach American Diversity
"American Dance Corner" consisted of two lectures about American dance history with a focus on cultural diversity. The lectures were followed by choreography activities where the students expressed themselves in English and developed dance moves. The movement created was then assembled into a dance throughout series of four technique and choreography workshops in the rehearsal room at The School of Arts.
