Not Just Fluff: Blue Dog and Arts as Catalyst for School Improvement
In 2009, my family formed the George Rodrigue Foundation of the Arts and as Executive Director I was tasked with trying to make sure the arts were kept in schools in a meaningful way. We believe that the arts are not just fluff, but that they are critical for student development in the 21st century.
There is artistry in everything from performing with the Kansas City Youth Symphony to rebuilding a competition robot. Our school district believes the creative process will serve students well as they work to make their mark on the world, and to make a positive difference in the lives of others. 
“Fairy Tales Can Come True…”
Who would have thought that a kid from the south side of Chicago, who taught himself to sing listening to the soundtrack of “West Side Story”, (and Frank Sinatra records), would someday become known internationally as “the Shoemaker to the Stars”?
#BecauseofArtsEd: My Life at the Intersections
Here’s what I know for sure: if it hadn’t been for my access to excellent arts educational opportunities through Seattle Public Schools & TeenTix, my interest in business might have led me down a very different path. Instead, I chose to pursue an arts administration degree that allowed me to study at the intersection of business, public administration, and artistic practice.
He was “Born to Boogie”: Aspiring Broadway star shares his story of his time in “Billy Elliot”
One important lesson I have learned during my college career is to “learn how to learn.” To be competitive in the industry, you must take the initiative and continue to learn throughout your life. I believe arts education in school is important because in addition to teaching essential skills needed in every day life, it is the keystone in a well-rounded education.
The Few. The Proud. The Pianist.
People often assume Juilliard students could never cope with the rigors of military life, but I beg to disagree: Nothing could prepare one better than pervasive pressure to perform at a level of utter perfection, interminable personal and professional criticism, and the resultant ability to flourish in an environment where failure is simply not an option. 
Oh Snap! What Arts Marketers Need to Know About Snapchat
As Snapchatters make their way around our cities, attending performances in our venues and viewing exhibitions in our museums, they’re Snapping and sharing those experiences in the moment.
The Future of Arts Education is a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy at the Podium
Today when I think about back-to-school time, I worry. Will the teachers be prepared to reach every student—and reach them in the poorer corners of cities as well as rural areas? Are the schools welcoming and enticing to students and parents? Will creativity be a daily activity in the lives of our country’s next generation of thinkers, leaders, and artists?
The Beginning of a Dream
As a professional artist, my experience with arts education might seem unique. I didn’t have the program in my school that I now have a career in. My story goes to show just how vital arts education really is.
A Life Filled With the Arts
Every day I see students succeeding from having access to dance, theater, visual and media arts and music education. They are Americans, and their right to a rich and varied curriculum should not be dependent on their zip code or their ability to pay for a private school. Arts education is enriching their lives, just as it did mine.
How a Trip to the Lincoln Center Changed Everything I Thought I Knew About Teaching
During our time at the Lincoln Center, the resident artists put us through our paces. The eight faculty members, including myself, were asked to sing, make music, act, and construct pieces of art. For those of us who were biologists, political scientists, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, English professors, and historians, we had never been asked to take such actions in this way.
