Five Ways My Dance Education Has Affected My Life
My own journey in dance has taught me that if you trust in your teachers, your training, your abilities, and your future, everything will come together. Keep the rhythm going!
Find the Good and Praise It
As a teaching artist, I believe my role is to pass the poet’s pen as it was passed to me in the 8th grade, hoping my students will take the pen and right/write their lives.
Because of Arts Education
Whether an educator, architect, doctor, volunteer, or accountant, we know the arts have had some impact on you. We know the arts develop certain skills in people that prove essential. We know that those skills lead to successes in work and life. Now is our time as a field to share these stories of impact with decision makers. 
Arts Biz Survey: The Arts Deliver a Competitive Edge to Business in Miami
The survey demonstrates that the corporate community recognizes that a strong cultural community is good for business. A majority of survey respondents agreed that employee engagement with the arts and corporate arts participation promote a culture of creativity and enhance innovation, and said the arts provide a valuable tool for creative collaborations. 
In Support of Theatre and Dance Teacher Credentialing in California
California, known for its creative economy among many other things, offers no teacher credentials in dance or theatre. California Dance Education Association has been hard at work on this issue this year, and a bill restoring these credentials is slated to be decided upon by California Gov. Jerry Brown in early September.
Actors and Botanists Can Both be “Ready for Tomorrow”
In a recent ad campaign, Wells Fargo implied that students shouldn’t pursue a career in the arts. Americans for the Arts strongly disagrees with this statement. 
My Experience at the 2016 Political Conventions
This July, I was excited to help deliver the Arts Action Fund’s message to both Republican and Democratic audiences through ARTSSPEAK, the public policy forum series that is a core part of our ArtsVote2016 campaign. ARTSSPEAK discussions were centered around the transformative power of the arts on people’s lives, schools, and communities, with the ultimate goal of electing candidates that support doubling arts funding to $1 per capita for the arts. 
What Lyle Lovett Can Teach Us About Audience Engagement
I started doing trainings for arts advocates almost a decade ago. At that time, I gave a lot of thought to what advocates need to know in order to start being advocates. I came up with two messages. First: you already know enough to be an effective advocate. And second: carry a little water for all of us.
The Case for an “Arts Bureaucrat” in the City Government
When people ask what I do, I frequently describe myself as an “arts bureaucrat.” My boss hates that moniker and reminds me that there is plenty of visioning, policy-making, leading and communications in my role. He’s right, of course. But “arts bureaucracy,” boring though it sounds, is one of my most important roles.
A Rejuvenating Trip to GOLDEN Artist Colors, a Beating Heart of Arts & Biz
GOLDEN goes beyond supporting the arts, believing in the arts, or even investing in the arts. To them, they wouldn’t exist without the arts, without the artists who use their products, and without the innovators who challenge them to create new products that test traditional methods of painting and artmaking.
A Shaman in the Recovery Room: The Arts’ Surprising Return to the Job of Healing
For the last century, modern healthcare has been tremendously beneficial to humanity, both in extending and improving quality of life. But now many physicians and hospitals across the country and around the globe are once again recognizing a significant role for the arts in healthcare.
