Mr. Jay H. Dick

Colorado Representative Leslie Herod Advocates for the Arts in General Assembly

Posted by Mr. Jay H. Dick, Nov 03, 2022

Mr. Jay H. Dick

Americans for the Arts, in partnership with the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), presented Colorado State Representative Leslie Herod with the 2021 Public Leadership in the Arts Award for her work in advancing arts and culture, especially during the pandemic to help artists and arts organizations survive. As Chair of the Colorado House Appropriations Committee, she has used her influence to ensure that arts and culture are not only seen as economic engines but are treated with the respect they deserve. Rep. Herod is fond of comparing the economic impact of the state’s arts and culture sector to its ski industry. Aware that everyone in Colorado knows that the ski industry is huge in the state—supporting jobs and bringing in tax revenue—she notes that the ski industry is $4.8 billion dollars, while arts and culture is a $14.4 billion dollar industry, generating about three times more than the ski industry. Rep. Herod believes that the arts bring diverse groups of people together to inspire connections, create change, and support economic vibrancy. She believes that the shortest distance between people are their stories, and the arts open doors to conversations that define us as a community and address complex issues to create greater understanding. 

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Rep. Bonamici Introduces CREATIVE Act to build on the NEA’s Support for Local Arts Agencies

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Smiling person with short dark hair, wearing a red blazer top and pearls, posed in front of an American flag.

On October 14, 2022, Representative Suzanne Bonamici (OR-1) introduced the Capital, Repairs, and Employment for Art Talent to Improve Visibility Everywhere (CREATIVE) Act. The CREATIVE Act would expand access to capital for facilities by allowing local arts agencies, museums, and 501c3s to receive grants of up to $5 million to construct and acquire new facilities, maintain and improve existing facilities, or hire staff or produce art at existing facilities.   

House Appropriators Agree on Increased Arts & Humanities Funding Following Monumental Hearing

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Photo looking up the stairs outside the U.S. Capitol building, a white marble structure with columns and a tall multi-tiered dome.

Funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) passed at $207 million each, $6.3 million and $3.45 million over President Biden’s requests. The bipartisan hearing on June 8—the first in seven years with the NEA and NEH—included testimony from Dr. Maria Rosario Jackson (13th Chair, NEA), Ms. Shelly Lowe (12th Chair, NEH), Ms. Kaywin Feldman (Director, National Gallery of Art), and Mr. Lonnie G. Bunch III (Secretary, Smithsonian Institution).

Proposal to Increase Equity through the Arts and Humanities Introduced in Congress

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Smiling person with short dark curly hair wearing a blue blazer over a black top, pearl necklace, and a lapel pin.

On Thursday, April 28, 2022, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA-13) introduced the Equity Through the Arts and Humanities Act (H.R. 7627), which would create a grant program to support arts and humanities projects that work to dismantle systemic racism through the arts and humanities.

Final FY22 Appropriations Legislation Passes

Friday, March 18, 2022

Photo of the White House, a large white neoclassical building, with leafy green trees framing the view

On March 15, 2022, President Biden signed the $1.5 trillion spending omnibus package passed by Congress on March 12. Considerations for the arts and culture sector in this spending package has been many months in the making and is the result of the dedication and leadership of arts advocates across the country. 

Americans for the Arts Submits Congressional Testimony on NEA Funding and Local Arts Agencies

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Blue line drawing of the US Capitol dome

Americans for the Arts submitted testimony to the U.S. House Appropriations Interior Subcommittee calling for “…funding for both the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities at no less than $201 million each for FY 2023.” This is the level that the Biden Administration proposed for FY 2022, and was approved by the House; however, the final level in the Omnibus appropriations bills is $180 million.

The Conference Board and Americans for the Arts Release ‘Business Support for the Arts 2021: Art for Everyone’s Sake’

Friday, February 18, 2022

10 smiling, diverse faces make up the cover image of the report

A new report by The Conference Board and Americans for the Arts finds that companies that are continuing to fund the arts are increasingly partnering with arts organizations to address social challenges, including racism and other forms of inequality.

American Rescue Plan Funding Trackers Identify Arts and Culture Spending

Thursday, February 17, 2022

The American Rescue Plan logo

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides $350 billion to mitigate economic harm from the COVID-19 pandemic. Three of Americans for the Arts’ partner organizations have created online trackers that provide concrete examples of how governments are using ARPA funds to support the arts and culture.

Registration Open for the 2022 National Arts Action Summit

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

National Arts Action Summit logo

Arts advocates from across the United States will gather virtually March 28-30, 2022, for the National Arts Action Summit, now in its 35th consecutive year. This year, for the first time, there will be no registration fee to attend the National Arts Action Summit for both individuals and partner organizations.

New Set of Federal Funding Resource Guides Now Available

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Cover of Federal Resource Guide #1, Community Development

The free digital guides provide details on arts-related funding in grant topic areas covering community development, economic development, rural development, environment, national service, and congressional earmarks.

NEA Announces American Rescue Plan Grants to Local Arts Agencies

Thursday, November 18, 2021

A graphic of a city block with several arts-based buidlings. Below the graphic reads 'The National Endowment for the Arts', and next to that reads 'American Rescue Plan'

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) today announced American Rescue Plan (ARP) grants totaling $20,200,000 to 66 local arts agencies for subgranting to help the arts and cultural sector recover from the pandemic.

Going Local with Federal Arts Spending

Monday, October 18, 2021

Text that reads "Measure for Measure"

Local arts agencies are all about fostering community ties. October, being National Arts and Humanities Month, is a good time to mark the indelible role played by local arts agencies in their towns, cities, and neighborhoods—and how the NEA’s administration of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) will reinforce these local networks.

Request Registration Support for the National Arts Marketing Project Conference

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

National Arts Marketing Project Conference, December 7-8, 2021

Registration support opportunities are available for arts marketing professionals who are unable to access a paid registration to the 2021 virtual National Arts Marketing Project Conference, taking place December 7-8.

Linda Lombardi

Member Spotlight: Patrick Rath

Posted by Linda Lombardi, Oct 04, 2021

Linda Lombardi

In October 2020, Patrick Rath became the president & CEO of United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF), the largest united fund for the performing arts in the country. Since 1967, UPAF has been dedicated to securing community resources, promoting the performing arts as a regional asset, and improving the quality of life through responsible investment in and financial support of the performing arts in Southeastern Wisconsin. Every dollar raised comes from individuals, companies, and foundations. Rath brings more than 30 years’ experience in development and on the boards of several performing arts organizations to the role. He is also a classically trained double bass player and has performed with eight of UPAF’s 14 member organizations. 

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New Bipartisan Federal Bill to Put Creative Workers to Work for Community Recovery Introduced

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Side by side photos - a person with long dark hair wearing a red and turquoise blazer in front of the US and New Mexico flags, and a person with short dark hair wearing a suit and tie in front of the US flag.

On Friday, August 13, 2021, U.S. Reps. Teresa Leger Fernández (D-NM) and Jay Obernolte (R-CA) introduced the Creative Economy Revitalization Act (CERA). The bill authorizes $300 million to mitigate creative worker displacement, stimulate local creative workforce growth, strengthen connections for local creative small businesses and networks, create a pipeline for new creative jobs, enrich communities, increase access to culture, and invest in creative workers and local economies harmed by COVID-19.

National Endowment for the Arts Publishes Report on Artists’ Use of Technology as a Creative Medium

Monday, July 12, 2021

Cover of report with eight hexagonal images in the left corner

The National Endowment for the Arts recently published Tech as Art: Supporting Artists Who Use Technology as a Creative Medium, a report focused on artists and organizations working with digital technologies. 


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