Author(s): TakeLessons
Date of Publication: Sep 01, 2015

Music learning games, access to sheet music, online lessons and communities allow for the global exchange of information, opening up a world of online music education. These new education platforms not only give us access to more information, but they also help to lift barriers common to traditional music lessons.

Author(s): California Music Studios
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

California Music Studios uses research from a 2013 PBS Learning survey of teachers from all grade levels to report the benefits of Music Technology in education.

Author(s): Loog
Date of Publication: Sep 01, 2012

Children's Guitary Company, Loog's "Your Kid's Brain on Music" infographic tells us 6 benefits of studying music in childhood.

Author(s): B&B Music Lessons
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

"While the causes for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are not well known, people who have it experience a heightened perception of sound, and most have developed brains which are ideally suited to understanding and mastering the art of music. [This infographic shows] 10 surprising facts about how music affects people with ASD" (B&B Music Lessons, ASD + Music Infograpic).

Author(s): The President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities
Date of Publication: May 01, 2011

“In October of 2008, then-Senator Obama released a powerful Platform in Support of the Arts. In it he argued for reinvesting in American arts education, and reinvigorating the creativity and innovation that has made this country great. Taking up this charge, over the past eighteen months the President’s Committee on Arts and the Humanities (PCAH) has conducted an in-depth review of the current condition of arts education, surveying recent research about its documented benefits and identifying potential opportunities for advancing arts education.

Date of Publication: May 01, 2013

Through this researched infographic, we learn that music stimulates at least 9 parts of the brain and can help us with language skills, sound processing and recall memory.


Author(s): Montgomery, Denise; Rogovin, Peter; and Persaud, Neromanie R.
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

Suppose afterschool arts programs tried a marketplace model to get more low-income, urban young people involved in the arts. That would make youngsters the programs’ “consumers” – with many options for their time and attention – and suggest the wisdom of finding out what these potential customers actually want.

Author(s): Montgomery, Denise; Rogovin, Peter; and Persaud, Neromanie R.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2013

Something to Say: Success Principles for Afterschool Arts Pro-grams from Urban Youth and Other Experts endeavors to an-swer these questions. The primary way we approached this project was by seeing youth as consumers of OST activities, and taking many of our questions directly to them. In our research we spoke to young people in their neighborhoods and homes, interviewed researchers and youth development practitioners, visited highly effective programs, and combed the research to address some of the key knowledge gaps in the field of OST arts activities for urban, low-income tweens

Author(s): Denise Montgomery, Peter Rogovin, and Nero Persaud
Date of Publication: Nov 01, 2013

How can high-quality arts programs attract and retain low-income urban teens? Drawing on hundreds of interviews with young people, their families, leaders of exemplary programs and others nationwide, this infographic offers some answers, including 10 principles for developing effective programming.

Author(s): Gute, Gary and Gute, Deanne
Date of Publication: Jul 01, 2015

On July 9-10, 2014, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) cosponsored a meeting titled “The Nature of Creativity in the Brain.” Held at SFI in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the meeting engaged a 15-member working group to perform two tasks:

Author(s): Silk, Yael
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2015

This white paper covers what the U.S. Department of Education’s Arts in Education program is, how it works, and who it serves. It provides a quick overview of the grantees, the students they served, and a few stories from the program’s first 10 years to give you an idea of the types of arts integration models the grantees designed.

Author(s): Ingenuity
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The arts are a vital element of a 21st century education . Research conducted over the past decade shows that exposure to an education in the arts significantly decreases dropout rates, improves the likeli - hood of entering college, increases civic engagement, and ultimately promotes financial success throughout a person’s life-time . The role of the arts in securing these results lies largely in the way it stimu - lates innovation, creativity, and critical thinking, all essential skills in our world today . In order to expand and improve arts education for CPS students, we must

Author(s): Ingenuity
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The goal of the CPS Arts Education Plan is to bring arts education to every child in every CPS school. While the work to expand arts instruction across Chicago Public Schools is ongoing, this report can provide context and construct for a new beginning. By understanding what arts resources existed in schools during the first year of the CPS Arts Education Plan, Ingenuity has established the baseline and can now track progress each year. Beginning in the fall of 2014, annual progress reports will publish changes in instructional time, staffing, partnerships, and funding. Doing so will shed

Author(s): Ingenuity
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2014

This report examines the level of arts instruction in Chicago Public Schools. It sets the benchmark against which district-wide efforts to expand arts instruction will be measured. Ever since Chicago Public Schools elevated the arts to a core subject in the 2012-2013 school year, students from K-6 grades have been experiencing two hours of weekly instructions in the arts and notice an increase in the number of certified arts instructors in their classrooms. This progress report shows the strides that Chicago is taking with its city-wide Cultural Plan, the

Author(s): Ingenuity
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2015

The 2012 CPS Arts Education Plan elevated the arts to a core subject and articulates that a quality arts education must include instruction in every art form—visual art, music, dance, and theatre—that is ongoing and sequential. Additionally, this instruction is delivered in the following ways—by credentialed arts instructors teaching discipline specific classes, by non-arts credentialed instructors authentically integrating the arts with other content areas, and by community arts partners connecting students to professional works of art and practices both in school and in

Author(s): Afterschool Alliance
Date of Publication: Oct 01, 2014

This one pagers summarizes findings from the Afterschool Alliance's report, America After 3pm: Afterschool Prrograms in Demand. "More Parents Report Enrolling Children in Summer Learning With increased awareness of the problem of summer learning loss, new research from the forthcoming America After 3PM report demonstrates expanding support for summer learning programs among parents."


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